:: My Stories ::

"Who am I?"...a question that I often ask myself ever since complications started to creep into my life. Am I still the same Capricorn girl that I used to be? It's simply a sign telling me that i've finally grown up, i guess...I'm a very lazy writer, I only write when i feel like it. Pardon me for my laziness, well at least I've finally got myself up to put up a blog of my own. I'll show you snippets of my life here from now onwards. So stay tuned...

:: Loves ::

To eat
To sleep
To smile
To indulge

:: More of me ::

My multiply
My friendster
My website

:: Their Stories ::

Meng Yoe
Beloved bro

:: Memories ::

June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
April 2009
January 2010
December 2010
June 2016

:: My Rythm ::

Here's something i love
Hope you'll love it too .:Warwick Avenue . Duffy:.

:: Talk to me ::

:: Site Patrol ::

:: Site Statistic ::

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I'm sorry

Sometimes I think I'm just too dense to realized that you're actually in pain. I'm not being an ignorant, but I think it's really my own problem in making effort to care for others. I fact, I can't even make effort to care for myself. Forgive me for being too confident that you will alway be fine, or rather, was it me that I have never really spend times to find out? I think I'm just being a jerk.

I always thought that I'm an intuitive person, but how did I not foreseen your feeling? I used to be so confident that we are the same kind and we share lotsa things in common, I couldn't help it to blame myself for I've never ask you "How are you feeling, babe?". All that I've done was just waiting, thinking that you'll tell me when the time is right. It was our common practice to give each other some space, wasn't it? But I guess too much space could become ignorance.

I'm sorry that I have not been a really great friend babe, and I'm so terribly sorry that I've brought him into your life causing you so much pain. I thought he could be your happiness, again I screwed it up with my very own perceptions. Was reading your blog in the class just now, it was actually my first time reading it. I feel so sorry for you, and I almost cried. Sorry that I was kinda late. Enjoy your holiday in HK and hope you'll get well soon babe. Love you always.

p/s: I'll be here if you need me.

indulged in dreams at 1:49 PM

2 person(s) commented while i sleep

Sunday, July 06, 2008
The very 3 seconds

After weeks searching for the Vono Soup tvc, thanks to Michael I finally get to see it from PRS film's website. I have yet to see it from the television by my own eyes as I'm not a TV person, I spend most of my times in front of my macbook than anything. Yeah I know it's unhealthy but I guess I'm just one of the victim of this new generation's disease, it's called the....erm...whatever whatever Internet disease.

Back to story. The main hero of this Vono Soup tvc was Belinda Chee as you can see, I was just a small feature in it. Another talent in the ad was Christina Teh, who I called the "lil Danielle Graham" as I thought she's kinda resembles Danielle Graham. A 30 seconds tvc, my face only appeared less than 3 seconds so I guess you won't have the time to blink your eyes if you want to look for me in the ad.

Anyway, I better get back to my assignments it's pilling up again. So here you go, enjoy....

indulged in dreams at 9:12 PM

2 person(s) commented while i sleep