:: My Stories ::

"Who am I?"...a question that I often ask myself ever since complications started to creep into my life. Am I still the same Capricorn girl that I used to be? It's simply a sign telling me that i've finally grown up, i guess...I'm a very lazy writer, I only write when i feel like it. Pardon me for my laziness, well at least I've finally got myself up to put up a blog of my own. I'll show you snippets of my life here from now onwards. So stay tuned...

:: Loves ::

To eat
To sleep
To smile
To indulge

:: More of me ::

My multiply
My friendster
My website

:: Their Stories ::

Meng Yoe
Beloved bro

:: Memories ::

June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
April 2009
January 2010
December 2010
June 2016

:: My Rythm ::

Here's something i love
Hope you'll love it too .:Warwick Avenue . Duffy:.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Who am i?

Two weeks ago, we were given a new assignment for our Presentation Skill class. The title is "My Mirror Image VS My Public Image"....

What a damn assignment! It has been years I was trying to find out about myself and I still looking forward to know the answer, now that the lecturer wants me to tell the whole class who am I and what makes me the person I am today. Everyone else got kinda excited but I was stone for a few minutes, should I just make up a story or take this assignments seriously and find out about my true self?

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? I kept asking myself....

After a week of 'investigations', i only managed to come up with one word, "INDESCRIBABLE". If it is so easy to find out who I really am, then I don't need to spend so many years wondering about it. So I gave up and start making up stories about myself, the progress was fun but I somehow felt kinda weird.

We were required to put up our own photos in the presentation. Looking at the photos and trying to come up with words to describe myself, I felt like as if I was trying to tell a story about this girl called Alexandra, who I don't really know much about. Out of sudden, the person inside the photos looks so strange to me. Alexandra somehow just become a girl that only has the exactly same face as mine, I barely know her and we are two different entities...

Maybe she is Alex, and I am Andra, or the other way round?
Alex+Andra=Alexandra? (LOL)

Am i her? Is she me?
Confusing yet interesting...

Is this Alex or Andra?

How about her?


indulged in dreams at 1:30 AM

0 person(s) commented while i sleep

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Unlearn Life

Everyone perceive life differently,
some think it should be simple and peace;
some said it should be full of surprises and excitements;
some said it's a journey, you'll go through a lot;
neither one is wrong.

For me, life is all about learning, I'm constantly learning....
I've learned to walk, and to stand up again when I fall;
I've learned to accept; and learned that life is not what I thought;
I've learned to forget; and learned to let go;
I've learned to forgive, and to admit faults;
I've learned when to share, learned to be alone.

Most humiliatingly, I need to 'relearn' to live a life, the most basic things in life...
I'm need to learn to eat, to sleep and to laugh;
I thought that I've already know all that since i was a kid.

And something that I'm still learning,
learning to remember, to forget, to love and unloved.

Now that I've found out,
after I've learned so much,
I need to learn to UNLEARN.

indulged in dreams at 12:43 AM

1 person(s) commented while i sleep